
Here you can find more detailed information on the individual subprojects of the Collaborative Research Center 1475 “Metaphors of Religion”.

Graduate School of Metaphor and Religion

Integrated Research Training Group: Graduate School of Metaphor and Religion (GSMR)

The “Graduate School of Metaphor and Religion” (GSMR) is the central instrument for the promotion of early career researchers in …

Subproject A01

Path and Guidance: Interpretations of Qur’anic Metaphors of Space and Movement in the Tafsīr Literature

In the Islamic religious tradition, metaphors of space and movement hold a prominent place, starting with the “straight path” ( …

Subproject A02

The Kinesis of Immortality. Spatial-kinetic Metaphors and Daoist Salvation

The subproject focuses on the role of spatial-kinetic metaphors in the formation of the Daoist religion between 300 BCE and …

Subproject A03

Metaphors and their Semantic Fields in Texts of the ‘Experience Instruction’ Genres of Tibetan Buddhism

This project aims, first, to contribute to the study of religious metaphors by investigating the Buddhist metaphors of light, space, …

Subproject A04

Metaphorizing the Metaphors: The Development of the Zoroastrian Language of Eschatology

Focusing on Zoroastrian eschatology, this project asks, to what extent the construction of religious meaning relies on the transformation of …

Subproject B01

Jesus and Mary as Divine Healers in Service for the Salvation of the Faithful: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Medical Metaphorizations in Medieval German Texts

Subproject B01 investigates medical metaphors in Christian texts from the Middle Ages. The concept of ‘salvation’, ‘Seelenheil’ in German, is …

Subproject B02

Beyond Self-Cultivation: Moments of Transcendence in Ego-Documents of Korean Confucian Provenance

The religious dimension of Confucianism is frequently being sought in self-cultivation, understood as a quest for self-transcendence. The project aims …

Subproject B03

Metaphors of the Self: On the Connection between Self-Constitution and Religion in the Hebrew Bible

This project focuses body-related metaphors from the Hebrew Bible, particularly from Psalms, Job, Jeremiah and Lamentations. Employing these metaphors, these …

Subproject B04

The Human Body as Metaphor of the Divine: Anthropomorphism in South Asian Religious Traditions

The subproject gives attention to metaphors as constitutive of the emergence and development of two divergent dynamics in Hinduism, Buddhism …

Subproject B05

Embodiment Outside the Body? Out-of-Body Experiences in a Cognitive and Social Science Perspective

The research project will focus on metaphors that occur in descriptions of out-of-body experiences. These will be taken out of …

Subproject C01

Grammar as a Religious Metaphor

The subproject C01 “Grammar as a Religious Metaphor” is dedicated to grammar as a source domain for religious metaphors. Grammarians …

Subproject C02

Ancient Near Eastern Conceptions of Order between Law and Religion

Since the linguistic and conceptional proximity between law and religion in the ancient Near East is striking, this project wants …

Subproject C03

Metaphors of Everyday Life

The project explores religious metaphors from the semantic field of ordinary, everyday life. These metaphors revolve around a semantic gap: …

Subproject C04

Metaphor and Social Positioning in Religious Online Forums

In this project, we analyze religious metaphors in online forum threads from the dual perspectives of computational linguistics and the …

Subproject INF

Metaphor Base Camp: Providing the Common Data Basis and Advancing Digital Research Methods for Religious Metaphors

Within the INF project, scholars of religion, computational linguists, and computer scientists jointly establish the digital research infrastructure of the …

Subproject PR

Religion and Metaphor in Contemporary Media Realities: What can we learn from the Humanities?

The PR-project brings the CRC’s perspective on religion and metaphor to the public’s attention and invites the public to discover …