CRC 1475 “Metaphors of Religion”

Religious meaning-making occurs in and through metaphors. In metaphors, meaning is transferred from one semantic domain to another. Religion, which cannot directly address its ultimate subject (the transcendent), is dependent on this procedure. The CRC seeks to more thoroughly understand this process theoretically and grasp it methodologically to research its semantic forms empirically and comparatively. The shapes religion takes as a socio-cultural phenomenon are thus better understood and central developments within specific religious traditions become more tangible. The CRC contributes to the historiography of religions, on the one hand, and to answering systematic questions in the comparative study of religions, on the other. > Read more

image of Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (m/w/d) für SFB 1475 Teilprojekt A02 gesucht

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (m/w/d) für SFB 1475 Teilprojekt A02 gesucht

Im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs 1475 „Metaphern der Religion“ suchen wir für das Teilprojekt A02 „Die Kinese daoistischer Unsterblichkeit. Raum-kinetische Metaphern …

image of About the obsession with expression - How research on metaphors in mystical poetry can lead you to CERES

About the obsession with expression - How research on metaphors in mystical poetry can lead you to CERES

Rodrigo Bergareche is the first PhD student to come to Bochum through the short-term fellowship program of the Graduate School …

image of Of dreamed journeys, transcendence in Confucianism and K-Pop

Of dreamed journeys, transcendence in Confucianism and K-Pop

Episode 6 of the interview podcast DIE ÜBERTRAGUNG is now online. For the new episode, host Tim Karis has invited …

image of New Lecture Series METAPHOR TALKS

New Lecture Series METAPHOR TALKS

The CRC 1475 starts a new Lecture Series, METAPHOR TALKS! The goal of the lecture series is to engage in …

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