Maren Jordan M.A.
Coordinator CRC 1475, Graduate School CRC 1475 & Coordinator CERES Early Career Researchers' ProgramMaren Jordan is the academic coordinator of the integrated Research Training Group (MGK) of the CRC 1475. She supervises and coordinates the qualification programme and advises the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers during their time in the CRC. In addition, she is responsible for promoting early career researchers at CERES, including international visiting doctoral students and scholarship holders of the Ukraine funding programme at CERES.
Maren Jordan studied Islamic Studies and Social Anthropology and is doing her PhD at the University of Hamburg.
Office Hours
on appointment.
Areas of Research
- Anthropological Demography
- Kinship, Fertility and Reproduction
- Anthropology of the Middle East
- Anthropology of Islam
- Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods
- Arab Gulf States (Oman), South Asia (India)
since 01/2024 Co-Coordinator of the SFB 1475
since 01/2022 Scientific Coordinator of the Graduate School “Metaphor and Religion” of the CRC 1475 and Coordination of the Program for Early Career Researchers at CERES, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
since 11/2020 Lecturer in Islamic Studies at RUB and Social & Cultural Anthroplogy at the University of Hamburg
since 02/2016 PhD in Social & Cultural Anthropology, University of Hamburg | Dissertation title: “Temporalities of Reproduction: Fertility Transformations across Generations in the Sultanate of Oman” (submitted in July 2024).
2017 - 2018 Certificate Course “Pathways to Science Management” Career Center, University of Hamburg
2016 - 2017 Visiting Researcher, University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman
2016 - 2022 Collaborator in the DFG-Project “Fertile Change in the Sultanate of Oman: Ethnological Explanations of Demographic Dynamics” (Project leaders: Prof. Dr. Pauli and Prof. Dr. Laila Prager, IfE, University of Hamburg)
2014 - 2016 Freelance work as a language mediator (German/Arabic) | Fördern & Wohnen AöR, Hamburg
2014 - 2019 Research Assistant at the Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Hamburg
06 - 11/2011 Studies of Arabic Language at the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
2006 - 2014 MA in Social Anthroplogy and Islamic Studies, University of Hamburg
Conference Talks
06/2021 Gender, Islam und sozio-demographischer Wandel im Oman unter Sultan Qaboos. Gastvortrag im Seminar „Ethnologie der arabischen Golfmonarchien“ von Prof. Dr. Laila Prager, Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Hamburg, 25.06.2021.
11/2020 Fertility Dynamics and Generational Change in Oman: Perspectives from Anthropological Demography. Gastvortrag, Seminar für Ethnologie, Universität Luzern, 17.11.2020.
07/2020 Social Change, Intimate Histories and the Timing of Marriage in the Sultanate of Oman. Panel: P075 at EASA2020 organisiert von Janet Carstens und Julia Pauli, EASA 2020, University of Lisbon. (Angenommenes Paper | Pandemie-bedingt verschoben)
11/2019 Doing Fieldwork in the Middle East. Gastvortrag gemeinsam mit Dr. David Jordan im Seminar “Language and Society” bei Prof. Dr. Najma Al-Zidjali, Sultan-Qaboos-University, Muscat, 13.11.2019.
10/2019 Politics of Motherhood and the Limits of Negotiation in Oman. Vortrag im Panel “The End of Negotiations in the Middle East? Debating the Power of Everyday Life and Scopes for Action after Post-Islamism.” auf der DGSKA 2019, Universität Konstanz, 01.10.2019.
02/2019 African Slave Descendants in Oman: Tracing Contemporary Life Worlds. Vortrag, SLAFNET Workshop 2019 (Slavery in Africa: A Dialogue between Africa and Europe), Universität Hamburg, 05.02.2019.
10/2018 The Right Time to Marry - Renegotiations of Marriage Timing among Women in Northern Oman. Vortrag auf der Tagung "Marriage and Modernity in Comparative Perspective", organisiert von Julia Pauli und Maren Jordan, Universität Hamburg, 27.10.2018.
05/2018 God’s Gift or Medical Risk? - Pregnancy, Birth, and Family Planning in the Sultanate of Oman. Öffentlicher Vortag, Institutskolloquium des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Hamburg, 15.05.2018.
05/2018 Methoden ethnologischer Feldforschung: Beispiele aus aktueller Forschungspraxis im Sultanat Oman. Gastvortrag, Abteilung für Orient- und Islamwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen, 03.05.2018.
09/2017 “Don’t harm my body!” Women’s Resistance against the Medicalization of their Reproductive Bodies in Contemporary Oman. Vortrag im Panel “Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Islamicate Societies” organized by Serena Tolino und Nijmi Edres | 33. Deutscher Orientalistentag, 18.–22. September 2017 | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
Organized Conferences
10/2019 Panel-Organization (with Dr. Claudia Liebelt): “The End of Negotiations in the Middle East? Debating the Power of Everyday Life and Scopes for Action after Post-Islamism.” DGSKA-Conference 2019, Universität Konstanz, 01. OCT 2019.
Conference Organization (with Prof. Dr. Julia Pauli): "Marriage and Modernity in Comparative Perspective." Universität Hamburg, 27 OCT 2018.
Coordinator of the international Conference "The Exceptional Normal: Change and Continuity in Southern African Marriages.”
Universität Hamburg, 05 – 07 June 2015, Organizers: Prof. Dr. Julia Pauli und Prof. Dr. Rijk van Dijk
Coordinator of CERES Early Career Researchers' Program , Graduate School of Metaphor and Religion , Graduate School of Metaphor and Religion and CRC 1475 „Metaphors of Religion“
Administrative Staff of Center for Religious Studies and CRC 1475 „Metaphors of Religion“