image of New "Metaphor Papers" published

New "Metaphor Papers" published

The latest publications in the CRC 1475 Working Paper series are now available online in Open Access.

The three additions to the Metaphor Papers deal with a broad thematic spectrum: Chris Klöckner analyzes the bee metaphor in selected texts by Philipp Melanchthon and shows how Melanchthon combined his interest in natural history with the reception of ancient myths and texts and thus contributed to the formation of religious meaning at the time of the Wittenberg Reformation. Stefanie Dipper and Frederik Elwert demonstrate how Gerard J. Steen's "Five Step Method" can be adapted for the annotation work in the interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Center 1475 and discuss borderline cases and more complex metaphors that can arise in the everyday work of CRC members. Volkhard Krech addresses what a metaphor in the religious area characterizes and how the relationship between metaphor and metonymy should be understood. As a case study, Krech uses the well-known metaphor, "The Lord is my shepherd."

Read the full papers here:

Chris Klöckner: Tote Bienlein. Eine Betrachtung der Bienenmetapher bei Philipp Melanchthon im Briefwechsel mit Paul Eber und im Kommentar zu Vergils ‚Georgica‘. Metaphor Papers 10.

Stephanie Dipper und Frederik Elwert: Annotating Metaphorical Mappings – An Implementation of Steen’s Five Step Method. Metaphor Papers 11.

Volkhard Krech: Religiöse Sinnbildung zwischen Metapher und Metonymie. Metaphor Papers 12.