Short-Term Fellowships within the CRC 1475
The CRC 1475 “Metaphors of Religion” is an interdisciplinary research network consisting of 16 projects and more than 40 scholars. The CRC combines research in religious studies, several philologies, and linguistics on the significance of metaphors for the formation of religious meaning-making. The research is conducted in a historical-diachronic and culturally comparative perspective. It is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Short-Term Fellowship Program
The short-term fellowship program of the CRC 1475 provides international graduates and doctoral candidates from non-German universities the opportunity to get acquainted with the CRC's research approach and to develop their research project in exchange with the CRC's principal investigators (PIs). The research projects of the fellowship holders should be thematically related to one or more of the subprojects (A01–A04, B01–B05, and C01–C04, excluding the PR and INF projects) of the CRC so that the principal investigators and their teams can support their work. Information on the CRC's subprojects can be found here: https://sfb1475.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/en/research/subprojects-sub/
In addition, fellows are assigned to the integrated “Graduate School of Metaphor and Religion” (GSMR) of the CRC and benefit from its structured training and mentoring program.
The CRC offers an international environment for interdisciplinary research on religious meaning-making via metaphors, an extensive program of events, and excellent training in the study of religions, linguistics, and digital humanities.
The duration of each fellowship is between 3 and 6 months. We will grant a fellowship of 1.365 € per month to each successful applicant. If applicable, an additional child allowance will be paid (400 € per month for the first child, an additional 100 € for each further child). Further, we provide office space, library access, and administrative support.
Your Profile
- Excellent master's degree (or equivalent) in one of the disciplines in or related to the CRC 1475.
- Individual research project in one of the participating disciplines within the subject area of the CRC. You should assign your project to one of the subprojects of the CRC.
- Interest in metaphor theory and an affinity for working in an interdisciplinary research environment.
- Very good written and spoken English language skills.
Expectations of Successful Candidates
- Regular participation and involvement in the CRC events and the training program of the GSMR (colloquia, guest lectures, workshops, journal clubs).
- Presentation of preliminary results of your individual research project within the GSMR research colloquium.
Application Procedure
Please submit your application as a single pdf file (!) to the GSMR coordinator Maren Jordan (maren.jordan@rub.de), by September 30, 2024. Late applications may be considered if positions are unfilled.
Your application must include:
- a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
- a research proposal and timeline for the duration of your fellowship (3-5 pages, including cited references). Your proposal should state which subproject within the CRC you want to be affiliated with
- your CV, including your academic transcripts, and a list of publications/presentations
- copy of your master’s degree
For further information, please contact the GSMR coordinator, Maren Jordan, at maren.jordan@rub.de