Metaphor Talk

Varieties of Metaphor in Religious Images of the 16th century and the potential of Theoretical Approaches

CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13)

Metaphor Talk PD Dr. Marius Rimmele, University of Konstanz

Metaphors manifest in diverse forms and at various levels within religious imagery, shaping both their design and reception. Some metaphors create striking moments of disruption, drawing attention to their presence, while others function as familiar elements within the depicted discourse. A third category operates subtly, as influential yet often unconscious representational strategies. Additionally, certain metaphors influence the materiality of the image itself, shaping how it is understood and engaged with by viewers. This lecture aims to differentiate between these forms through a schematic framework and examines the potential effects of metaphors within and beyond the image. Particular attention is given to their role in artistic representation, their persuasive power, and their influence on personal practices of piety. To this end, several theoretical approaches are evaluated for their analytical and explanatory potential.


Photograph of Maren Jordan M.A.

Maren Jordan M.A.

Universitätsstr. 90a
44789  Bochum
Office 3.08
+49 234 32-21982