Project Presentation: “Finding Metaphors of Healing in Medieval German Texts: The Reference Corpora Deutsch Diachron Digital”
CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13)
Presented by Alexandra Wiemann, subproject B01
Project B01 seeks medical metaphors in German texts of the Middle Ages. Healing of the soul is central to Christianity. While in narrative texts illness is mostly a sign of lack or sin, the five wounds of Jesus are highly revered in the Middle Ages. For this reason, the project starts the search for metaphors of healing with the lemma Wunde. The data basis is formed by the "Referenzkorpus Altdeutsch“ (ReA, Humboldt-Universität Berlin) and "Referenzkorpus Mittelhochdeutsch“ (ReM, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universität Bonn), which are part of the joint project "Deutsch Diachron Digital". These corpora will be presented, as well as the annotation tool INCEpTION (TU Darmstadt, Klie et al. 2018), in which both syntax and semantics of metaphors can be annotated. Using the example of a short MHG text, corpus query, dependency annotation and metaphor annotation will be shown. Finally, an outlook will be given on a further corpus of late medieval nuns' letters from the Benedictine convent of Lünen.