Workshop: Taking MIPVU* further around the world – and through the ages
CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13)
*Metaphor Identification Procedure VU University Amsterdam
The workshop will take place in presence.
ABSTRACT As a first step, the annotation procedure in CRC 1475 requires the identification of potentially metaphorical or metaphor-related words. Using a standardised approach such as the Metaphor Identification Procedure VU Amsterdam (MIPVU) may lead to more consistent annotations than relying on intuition alone. However, MIPVU was originally developed for contemporary English texts and has only been applied to a limited number of other languages, which excludes many of the CRC’s source languages as well as historical text genres. This workshop will firstly explain MIPVU as a method and its steps, and secondly discuss issues to be considered when applying MIPVU to texts within the CRC.