Metaphors in Religious Language: A Register Perspective
CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13)
Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Markus Egg (HU Berlin, Department of English and American Studies)
Metaphors in Religious Language: A Register Perspective
Religious language is characterised by a high amount of metaphors. While a part of them is motivated by the need ‘to refer to unavailable transcendence by immanent means’ (Krech et al. 2023), it will be argued that not all metaphors in religious language can be explained in this way. Instead, a register-based approach to metaphor will be employed to analyse a concrete religious text type (sermons) and to contrast it against other, non-religious text types in a German corpus of 180K tokens from six different text types.
Volkhard Krech, Tim Karis, Frederik Elwert. ‘Metaphors of religion. A conceptual framework.’ Metaphor Papers 1 (2023)