Anna Kira Hippert
Research Associate & PhD Student RePliVPhD candidate Graduate School RePliV
Working title PhD project: The Role of Media in Regulating the Image of New Religious Movements in the USA
Instagram: @sugarkane2003
Find more information on Anna Kira Hippert on the website of the RePliV graduate school.
Office Hours
By appointment
Areas of Research
- Material Religion
- Image theory
- Religion and Popular Culture
- Religion and Media
- New Religous Movements and Social Change
- Church of Scientology
- Cowboy Church Movement
- American Religion
- Religion and Modernity
- Methods in Religioues Studies
- Knowledge transfer
- Fall Term 2023/24
Religious Studies in Practice: Career Opportunities
- Spring Term 2023
Online knowledge transfer for Religious Studies scholars
- Fall Term 2022/23
Cult or Sect?- Introduction to New Religious Movements
Guest Session in the Seminar "Tricksters, Fools, Madmen and Saints" Topic: L. Ron Hubbard and Hagiography
- Spring Term 2022
A generation under a spell – witchcraft in modern society
- Fall Term 2021/22
Understanding New Religious Movements
- Spring Term 2021
From Jedi Knights, Monster Hunting Cowgirls and a Teenage Witch – Religion and Popular Culture
- Fall Term 2020/21
"Yee-haw" not " Amen" – When Cowboy Culture Meets Christianity
- Fall Term 2019/20
Teaching Assisatant "Introduction to Religious Studies"
- Spring Term 2020
Teaching Assistant "Introduction to Religious Studies"
Teaching Assistant "Between the flood of images and iconoclasm: On the role of images in religion and society"
Memberships and Roles
- President, REMID e.V. (Religious Studies Media and Information Service)
More information about REMID
November 2024 – Present - Member, American Academy of Religion (AAR)
May 2024 – Present - Assistant Research Officer and Intern, INFORM (Information Network Focus on Religious Movements), King's College London More information about INFORM
April 2021 – Present
Visiting Scholar
- April 2025 – May 2025: Visiting Scholar at the Center for Media, Religion and Culture, Boulder, Colorado, USA
- March 2023 – February 2024: Visiting Scholar (J1-Visa) at Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri, USA
Radio and Media Contributions
- April 2024: WDR 5 (West German Broadcasting Corporation) Radio Feature "This Side of Eden" – Religion and Politics in the USA
- May 2023: WDR 5 Radio Interview "With a Cowboy Hat to Church"
- December 2021: "Gaming and Religion", MDR Radio Interview on the topic of religion and video games
Newspaper Articles
- September 2023: Newspaper article (WAZ: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung): "Research on Cowboy Churches and Scientology"
- June 2024: Newspaper article (WAZ: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung): "Inside Scientology’s Inner Circle"
- 2024: Guest appearance on the podcast Schöner Glauben – Episode "Anna Kira Hippert – Faith and Politics in the Wild West" (available on Spotify)
- 2024: Guest appearance on the podcast Heilige und Halunken – Episode "Anna on Evangelical Trails"(available on Spotify)
Academic Lectures
- November 2024: Lecture "From Research to Reels: Religious Studies on Social Media" at the seminar "New Religiosity on Campus", organized by INFORM, King’s College London
- May 2023: "Riding, Roping, Resurrected – When Christianity Meets Horsemanship", Guest Lecture at Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri
- July 2022: "Regulating (Self-) Perception? – Images and Their Potential for Research on NRMs", Lecture as part of the online seminar "New Media and New Religiosity – Possibilities and Pitfalls?", organized by INFORM, King’s College London
Public Lectures
- October 2024: “Shaping Perception: The Function of Images in the Church of Scientology and Cowboy Churches,” lecture at the Rotary Club Bochum-Constantin
- November 2022: "God Will Not Let You Take Me!" Religious Storytelling and Symbolism in Video Games, Lecture at the Catholic Student Community, Dortmund
- May 2022: "God Mode: Religious Symbols and Narratives in Video Games", Lecture at the Catholic Student Community, Paderborn
- November 2021: "Power of Images — The Role of Media in New Religious Movements", Lecture at the 52nd IDZ Expert Discussion of the Working Group for Child and Youth Protection in North Rhine-Westphalia
Organization and Moderation
- July 2022: Preparation, organization, and moderation of the online seminar "New Media and New Religiosity – Possibilities and Pitfalls?"
Social Media
- 2023: Research vlog on YouTube about Cowboy Churches and the Church of Scientology (To the Vlog)
- Science Communication: Instagram profile – @sugarkane2003
Science Communication and Materials
- 2022: “Once Brainwashed and Back – Experiencing Conspiracy Myths”
Development of a practical guide to key concepts in religious studies, with a particular focus on esotericism, evangelicalism, cults, sects, and new religious movements. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs as part of a project by the Turkish Community in Baden-Württemberg
- December 2023 – March 2024: California, USA – Field research on the Church of Scientology, with academic networking at the University of California, Santa Barbara
- March 2023 – August 2023: Missouri, USA – Data collection on Cowboy Churches
- January – May 2019: Perry and Haysville, Kansas, USA – Self-organized research stay for data collection for the Master’s thesis on "Cowboy Churches"
Scholarships and Funding
- Visiting Scholar at the Religion and Media Center, Boulder, Colorado (USA)
Funded by the RUB Research School with 6,300 euros (April – May 2025)
- Fieldwork in California, USA
Funded by the RUB Research School with 6,300 euros
- Fieldwork in Missouri, USA
Funded by the RUB Research School with 7,110 euros
- Semester abroad at the University of Kansas (Lawrence, KS, USA)
PROMOS scholarship holder within the MAUI program, funded with a one-time payment of 1,300 euros and monthly 400 euros (January 22, 2019 – May 17, 2019)
Supervised Theses
- "Is the Raelian Movement a New Religious Movement?" A critical analysis considering definitions and theoretical approaches in Religious Studies
- "The Catholic Church of Croatia on Facebook: Changing Religious Authority"
- "Astrology as an Expression of Popular Spirituality?" – A Religious Studies analysis in the context of Hubert Knoblauch's concept of spirituality
- "Honor Killings in the Name of Islam?" Justifications for honor killings analyzed through the concept of honor, using the case study of Hatun Sürücü
- "I Am a Paladin!" Exploring the interaction between portrayed and lived religiosity in the context of (online) role-playing games
Research Associate of Center for Religious Studies
Associated Researcher of CRC 1475 „Metaphors of Religion“
Associate Lecturer of CERES Teaching
PhD Student of CERES Early Career Researchers' Program and Graduate School RePliV