(© David Pennington) Lecture Tool Bar: Collaborative reference management with Zotero 28 March 2022, 12:00 p.m. – 01:00 p.m. Online Event In addition to making individual writing easier, the literature management programme Zotero offers the possibility of creating collaborative bibliographies. Zoom-Link: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/97200441944?pwd=blZmdmx4VUNSdmRWbDlZMWFVSzhYQT09 Contact Prof. Dr. Frederik Elwert Universitätsstr. 90a 44789 Bochum Office 2.06 +49 234 32-23024 frederik.elwert@rub.de
Prof. Dr. Frederik Elwert Universitätsstr. 90a 44789 Bochum Office 2.06 +49 234 32-23024 frederik.elwert@rub.de