Schriftzug "Workshop" auf einer Schiefertafel
(© Bild: Gerd Altmann | Pixabay)

Interfaces. Bilateral Workshop on Computational Methods for the Detection of Explicit and Implicit Comparisons in Cultural Data

CERES Palais, room "Lalibela" (3.11)

SFB 1288 meets SFB 1475: Berenike Herrmann and Robin Aust from SFB 1288 "Practices of Comparison" will come to Bochum for a joint workshop with members of SFB 1475 "Metaphors of Religion" to discuss common perspectives on methodological questions of computational recognition of "comparisons".


Photograph of Prof. Dr. Frederik Elwert

Prof. Dr. Frederik Elwert

Universitätsstr. 90a
44789  Bochum
Office 2.06
+49 234 32-23024